Slightly Traumatized

I lived with my dad when I was around 9–10 years old. He had a very large terraced house that was built in the 1800s. Every so often, an unexplainable event would happen, such as footsteps or voices when there was no one there.
One night, it was just my dad and me in the house—my sister was staying with my mom. That night, all hell broke loose. I woke up and noticed the door to my room was wide open—
I usually slept with it closed. I then became aware of a large 7-foot tall shadow-like figure watching me from the end of the bed. When the figure noticed me, it seemed to “melt” into the floor. Then, the door to my room slammed shut.
The next day, I asked my dad if he was in my room, and he denied any knowledge of such an event. The whole experience left me slightly traumatized. Story credit: Reddit / Denholme2