Mr. Creepy

We had two ghosts at my house. One was our house ghost. The first experience I had with her was at about 9 AM one morning. My daughter was about four at the time and was either on school break or didn’t have school that day.
We had only been living in our house for a few months, and we didn’t know anyone in town yet at that point. We were asleep, and I woke up to a startling sound. I was hearing the “shave and a haircut” knock. I was confused and figured maybe I had dreamt it, so I stayed in bed, but I heard it again.
I looked outside to see if maybe there was someone at the neighbor’s house or in our backyard, but nothing. I checked the front door and looked around outside. Still nothing. I assumed I just heard the house settling and equated the noise to the “shave and a haircut” knock. I went back to bed.
Then, I heard it AGAIN. I called my husband at work to tell him I was scared. I felt really stupid. Another time I was making tacos from leftovers. I got my kiddo’s all done, put everything away, and sat down.
Then, I decided I wanted some myself. I went back to the kitchen. I was shocked at what I saw. Everything was out. I was absent-minded, but not THAT absent-minded. I remembered putting it all away. To make light of the situation, I laughed out loud and said, “Oh, thanks” to nobody.
I put the last of the cheese on my taco, popped it in the microwave, and walked to the trash can. I threw the cheese bag away, turned around, and my taco was on the table, but my microwave was still going. I know I had put it in there. So, I said out loud, “OK, that’s just not funny”, and left it at that.
Then, I saw her. I was cooking, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a woman in a long dress standing on the stairs. I froze, still using my peripheral vision to see her.
It wasn’t an old-fashioned dress, just a casual summer one. The figure and their clothing were just gray. When I turned to look full-on, nobody was there. Things would go missing and turn up in a place we had definitely already looked. One day, my niece’s phone went missing for about 30 minutes.
We had six people looking for it at the time. It ended up on top of the bedding on the air mattress that four of us had torn apart looking for it. The house ghost was harmless and stayed primarily on the main level of our house and upstairs, where the bedrooms and bathrooms were.
But there was another, darker presence. This was the second ghost, “Mr Creepy/Mr White”. He would stay downstairs in the laundry room, office, and basement. The first time I saw him, we had been living in the house for about a year. I had just started a load of laundry and was cleaning out my car in the garage.
The laundry room had a door to the garage, which I had open because it was summer, and it was nice outside. I walked by the door and saw a tallish black figure standing in front of the washer. They were just standing there. At first, I thought it was my brother wearing his black winter coat.
I did a double-take, and no one was there. I tried to recreate it, thinking maybe I had cast a shadow or seen my reflection in the mirror, but neither was possible.
I went upstairs to ask my brother if he had been downstairs, but he hadn’t because he’d been cooking, and nobody else was home. I dubbed him “Mr Creepy” because he didn’t seem as friendly as our house ghost. I saw him once again as I was upstairs, walking by the staircase.
He was just a dark figure that quickly moved from the door to the basement, through the office into the laundry room. My nieces shared the basement as a bedroom, and one would constantly complain about feeling watched, especially at night.
Roughly a year after the first incident, I was talking to our neighbor across the street. We got to talking about the previous owner of the house, Mr White, since they’d been good friends and neighbors for years before he had gotten too old to care for the house.
The neighbor informed me that Mr White had passed roughly a year prior, which lined up with the timeframe I first saw him.
I told my niece that if she got that feeling again, to address him as Mr White, tell him he’s making her scared, and nicely ask him to please leave her alone. At some point, she did, and we didn’t have any Mr Creepy/Mr White incidences. Story credit: Reddit / EllPeas