An Urgent Feeling

I lived in a big 1840s colonial house with three of my friends. It was set back on more than 80 acres of state wildlife property and was a gorgeous house. The bedrooms were all upstairs and lined the hall.
On our third night in the house, about 30 minutes after we had all called it a night, my doorknob rattled as if someone was fiddling with it. Then, I heard the door next to mine rattle—and the next—and the next—all the way down the hall one at a time. Even so, I had no idea what I was in for.
The following day one of my housemates asked why I was messing with the doors. She had asked the two guys in the house, and neither of them knew what she was talking about. Another night, I woke up with an intense urge to get out of bed. It was as if my brain was screaming at me to get up.
I laid still for a while, thinking maybe I had been woken up by a noise, but it was around 3 AM and utterly quiet. I went into the hallway. As soon as I walked out into the hall, all my roommates opened their doors and came out too.
We were all woken up, but no one heard anything, and they had the same urgent feeling to get up that I did. We just shrugged and went back to sleep. Strange objects would also show up in the basement or crawlspace. Things like old, old suitcases or a kid’s rocking chair, even a vase—just random stuff.
You would occasionally hear footsteps running down the bedroom hall and down the stairs if you were in the living room below. That house was really strange. We NEVER felt threatened; it was just weird. Story credit: Reddit / x-ko