Real Life Honeymoon Travel Disasters that Nearly Ended New Marriages

Sometimes Things Work Out

YouTube / Keep Going Places

After little sleep on our wedding night we head out about noon to drive to Bodega Bay, five hours away.

We had no hotel reservations for the night. Wait, what? You need hotel reservations? Actually, we had none for the whole week. I’d been left in charge of that. Oops.

We hit Bodega Bay as the sun dropped into the Pacific. It looked so big on the map. Figured there had to be a bunch of motels. Nope.

On we drive. The sun has set. It’s growing dark. Highway 1 is desolate. We drive for a while hoping to see any sign of civilization. Now dark, off in the distance, I see lights. The only lights anywhere.

As we get close we see it’s a rustic but beautiful hotel overlooking the ocean. We go inside and explain our pathetic situation.

The manager says, “How about the Honeymoon Suite? It’s available.”

“I’m not sure we can afford it,” I respond.

“Oh, it’s empty tonight. Just pay the regular room price,” he continued.

“Ok, sounds great.”

When we went to our room a chilled bottle of bubbly was ready for us on on the dresser. A wedding gift from the manager.

And after that the honeymoon just got better. Even the adventure of another week of finding hotels.

Don’t you love serendipity?

Story credit: Quora / Doug Armey

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