Real Life Honeymoon Travel Disasters that Nearly Ended New Marriages

Always Check With Your Wife

YouTube / Marques Brownlee

Not mine, but my parents’. Apparently, my father spent all of their honeymoon savings right before the wedding because he wanted a new computer (and, mind you, this was during the 80s, so there really wasn’t anything to get excited about in the first place). So he comes home one day with this clunky Macintosh and says, “Hey, look what I got!”

Now, back then my folks were living pretty much paycheck-to-paycheck, since they both were paying their way through graduate school. They simply didn’t have enough money to spare on an overpriced piece of junk (i.e. an 80s computer). Confused, my mother asks, “Where did you get the money for that?”

“Oh, I found this extra account we had when I was looking at our bank statements! Isn’t that neat?” my father said eagerly, and all my mother could say was, “You goddamn idiot.”

Story credit: Reddit / ThisExactSituation

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