Real Life Honeymoon Travel Disasters that Nearly Ended New Marriages

That’s Not My Bag

YouTube / Krispyshorts

This happened on the way to our honeymoon. After waiting in a baggage check line for an hour, we notice that the bag we planned on checking was not our own. We had grabbed an identical bag from the rack on the parking lot shuttle.

After talking to a bunch of AA staff that had no idea what to do, we got the parking lot people to pick up the wrong bag we had while we waited for them to find ours. They called us to tell us they had our bag and were bringing it to the check counter 3 minutes before our flight was boarding.

After coordinating with an AA baggage supervisor and the manager of the parking lot, we got our bag to the baggage supervisor. So here we are in Jamaica without tooth bushes, deodorant, sandals, lingerie (most bummed about), etc.

We have our clothes thankfully, and we can buy most of things we need while our bag sits forgotten in some supervisor’s office. Our last call to AA confirmed that our records have not changed, and as far as anyone knows, the bag is still in the supervisor’s office.

Story credit: Reddit / TurboGranny

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