Real Life Honeymoon Travel Disasters that Nearly Ended New Marriages

No Alone Time

YouTube / Crazy Pieces

“My husband’s grandparents own a beach house and offered to let us honeymoon there. I assumed they’d be staying at one of their other four homes. Nope. They stayed at the beach house and invited the rest of the family. Aunts, uncles, cousins, everyone. Over 20 people in a three-bedroom beach house. For a week. When I suggested we just go rent a motel room for the week, my husband freaked out because we might offend someone.

Sure enough, when we left to merely go for a walk on the beach, multiple people flipped out because we weren’t spending time with the family. That was eight years ago. We’re not divorced, but sometimes I wish we were.”

Story credit: Reddit / carolynroberta

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