Real Life Honeymoon Travel Disasters that Nearly Ended New Marriages

I’ll Make it Up to Him Later

YouTube / Storyful Rights Management

“We went on a cruise for our honeymoon (we got married in December and only had about $1,000 for a honeymoon, so that seemed the best choice even though we knew we weren’t really ‘cruise people’). The only thing we were really super excited about on the cruise was an excursion to a nature park that I had been to before which is one of my favorite places on the planet.

I woke up the night before the excursion and felt completely terrible. By the morning, I had a fever of 103, and couldn’t sit up without coughing so hard I nearly threw up. I spent the whole day in the infirmary while they tried to figure out if I had something quarantine-worthy, and the next two days feeling weak as hell. Definitely not an exciting honeymoon. I’m hoping to make it up to my husband on our five-year anniversary next winter.”

Story credit: Reddit / laidymondegreen

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