Real Life Honeymoon Travel Disasters that Nearly Ended New Marriages

Broken Trust

YouTube / Stray Furry Friends

“We left our dogs with my parents as we live in the same town, and have left them there numerous times in the past. We always double check our instructions with them, always leashed and keep a close eye on the adventurous one. The other dog, much younger and extremely submissive would surely follow her older sister to the ends of the earth for no reason whatsoever.

On the fifth day of our honeymoon, 7 a.m. our time, we received a call informing us that they had been let out the previous night, only to not have shown up the next morning.

As we tried to process the information details were overlooked, and the realization of two more days left on the island worrying about our babies set in. Needless to say I was confused and speechless, but my faith in my family made me believe it had to be our dogs pushing out the door and making a great escape.

Later that day, my brother informed us that my mother had simply let them go, just released them into the wild — precisely against the incredibly specific instructions that had been left with them. We found out that this release and return method had been used a few times previous to this, further hurting my trust and faith in those I love most.”

Story credit: Reddit / Sallistria

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