Real Life Honeymoon Travel Disasters that Nearly Ended New Marriages

If These Walls Could Talk

YouTube / A Pretty Cool Hotel Tour

I worked nights at the Anniversary Inn in Salt Lake City, UT through college. To save you a search, it’s an over-priced themed-room inn that Mormon newlyweds absolutely go crazy for. Want to spend your wedding night in a pirate ship? We got you covered. Egyptian tombs? Yep. There have been many Mormon cherries popped while I was on shift, and a ton of really weird, funny, and sad stories.

Funny – 20 minutes after an obviously nervous newlywed couple checked in, the husband opened the door and yelled “DOING IT IS AWESOME!” He did this multiple times through the night. Made us laugh every time.

Weird/Creepy – We had a dad drive the newlywed couple to the hotel, and then come in to help them check in. Their kids were clearly adults, so I thought this was weird. Once they were checked in, the dad gave them a mini lecture about the sanctity and spirituality of lovemaking, and how what they were going to be doing that night and through their honeymoon would “echo throughout the eternities.” Super creepy.

Sad – More than once we would have bride come running from their rooms in robes, sobbing and in a totally delirious state. They weren’t ready for intimacy, and it was clearly a traumatic experience for them. I always felt really bad for them, because it would be really difficult for someone who has been told that hooking up before marriage is evil to suddenly flip a switch and be expected to be comfortable in their own skin.

Story credit: Reddit / cheesemakesmehappy

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