Real Life Honeymoon Travel Disasters that Nearly Ended New Marriages

He Didn’t Deserve It

YouTube / CatPusic

“So my brother got married last week, and he went off on his honeymoon. He’s been having a wonderful week, and he left me in charge of taking care of his two cats while he and his wife were out of the country. They get back on Tuesday morning at about 2 a.m. Tonight I was just chilling in his house as I usually do when I got a knock at the door.

“It was the neighbour from over the road, one who is very friendly with my brother and sister in law. She told me that they had found a dead black and white cat just outside the house, and wanted to ask me to verify it it was one of his. It had almost certainly been hit by a car … I don’t know how I’m going to tell my brother.

They have had the best two weeks of their lives, getting married in a beautiful ceremony, and going on a wonderful honeymoon to a fantastic part of the world, and when they get back I’m going to have to tell them something that will bring their high crashing down. They don’t deserve it, the cat didn’t deserve it.” 

Story credit: Reddit / smudgethekat

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