Real Life Honeymoon Travel Disasters that Nearly Ended New Marriages

When it Rains, it Pours

YouTube / Mario Saenz Landscaping Services

It started off well enough. We decided to get married at her grandparents house on the river. My parents had traveled from 5 hours away to get there and couldn’t find the place so I left to go meet them. They weren’t where they said they were and I ended up being 30 mins late.

Her grandparents, whom I hadn’t spoken to that much, turned out to be bigots which didn’t go over well when my black grandfather showed up.

I decided it would be fine to let my soon to be wife pick the music, so she walked down the isle to “In The Arms Of An Angel” by Sarah McLaughlin, (I wanted the Imperial March) which later turned out to be the song on the commercial for animal abuse… still gets talked about among the family. That song is quite the mood-setter and I cried during the vows to the point of not getting out the words so well.

Finally when I thought it was over, we get an envelope from my dad with a week’s stay a hotel on the beach in Panama City, Florida… Awesome! Because we hadn’t planned on taking a honeymoon because we were so broke, but after the wedding gift money we had enough to have a decent time after the gas cost of driving 14 hours there and back.

However we go to get in the car and discover somebody thought it was a great idea to tie a bungee strap around the drive shaft as a prank, so we spent the first hour and a half untangling a rat’s nest of bungee strap from under our car.

We head to our house to pack, starts pouring rain, we hydroplane into a ditch. Two hours and a tow truck fee later we get packed and leave. We drive all night (so no consummating the damned thing) get there and they tell us our hotel tickets aren’t recognized.

Fight with them for an hour, they call the regional office, they give us our key. We go to our room and pass out from exhaustion. Wake up to the sound of construction happening in the next room and it’s raining buckets outside (little did we know it was going to last all week).

We explore the town alittle, go to Ripley’s, go eat etc. Come back to room, and my wife now has a yeast infection (probably thanks in part to all the stress) so no direct bedroom fun our whole honeymoon.

The fifth day we get a knock on the door and told our tickets were only for five days and if we weren’t out by 11 we were paying for another day which was fine with us because at this point all we had left was gas money after all the unexpected cost. Drive back home and get a ticket for speeding 5 over, less than a mile from our house… The cop says “Congratulations” and hands us the ticket.

Story credit: Reddit / 1tsBananas

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