Real Life Honeymoon Travel Disasters that Nearly Ended New Marriages

No Fuss

YouTube / Jeff and Jordan TV

My husband and I planned to just go to courthouse and get married–with no parents getting involved because mine couldn’t come. Husband couldn’t get off of work the first time. The second time we couldn’t find two witnesses. Husband ended up telling his parents. They insisted on being there. Made an appointment. Get to the courthouse, his parents are late and tick off the magistrate. His Dad, for some reason, can’t stay off of his cellphone, which also ticks off the magistrate. Wedding was 15 seconds.

We leave to go on our “honeymoon.” We were going to go to the aquarium, all four of us, our treat. His parents didn’t really want to go and complained about it the whole time. Complained about the ride. Complained about the place we ate (we ate at a bar and his parents are strict vegans). Complained about the ride home. His mother told me I needed to lose weight. Finally made it home and went to bed.

Told his mother I didn’t want anything for a bridal present or bridal shower–she insisted because she had friends that she had given their children presents and she wanted us to get presents from their parents to make up for it. She never could come up with a day, so none of my family could come (they all lived very far away).

She didn’t invite any of my family and then told everyone that my family didn’t care about me because they didn’t bother to come. She told me that what I was wearing was incorrect, I had a black shirt on, and was going to force me to change. We sat around with her church friends (none of who knew). After the party, she asked me what I had gotten which was $200 in cash and $50 in gift certificates.

This made her mad. I didn’t care at all. A week later a get a nasty call from her wondering why I hadn’t sent out the thirty or so thank-you notes yet.

Story credit: Reddit / [deleted]

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