Real Life Honeymoon Travel Disasters that Nearly Ended New Marriages

Never Trust Your Travel Agent

YouTube / Inside Edition

First, it rained the day of wedding. Lightning struck the church as I was driving up (power stayed on though). But, alas, we were married.

Then, in the pouring rain, off to the reception. Right after the obligatory cake face slam, dancing ensues. Within 20-30 minutes, a relative dies of a heart attack while dancing with my grandma (her nephew, probably 58). Thing is, he wasn’t even invited to the wedding and just happened to be in the area so we let him tag along.

Given the major turn of events, we cancel the reception. Wife’s dream wedding reception is now blown. We end up getting wasted in the bar with a few close friends. Hotel won’t refund any food/beverage expenses. I understand the food, but wouldn’t even refund untapped kegs or unopened wine. Doubletree, for those wondering.

Anyway, next morning we leave for the Honeymoon – throw the bouquet and garter at the airport to a very small group of friends. Haven’t consummated yet. Off to a remote island for our romantic getaway. At the airport, there’s one cab (probably a honda civic) and we have to share it with another newlywed couple.

She is unbelievably obnoxious and LOUD. I tell the cabby – I need beer. We get some for the rest of the 30 minute ride. Cabby was going about 50 down winding mountainous roads while dodging wild cats.

Check in the resort. I was told this is a nice place by my travel agent (this was before internet reviews) and I requested a premium room and informed them that this is a Honeymoon so need Champagne, flowers, chocolate covered-strawberries, etc… in the room when we arrived.

Nothing was provided and ALL rooms were exactly the same, complete with two twin beds bolted to the walls and a bathroom that fit only one person at a time. No TV, no room service, electrical outlets down the hall. My bride actually had to blow dry her hair in a public area.

What we found out the next day is that we had been sent, not to a romantic couple’s get away, but to a family resort that catered to families with young children. All the activities were geared around a circus theme and we had kids marching around us all week singing silly chants and wearing costumes.

We spent the week drinking heavily. Didn’t consummate until we got home.

Story credit: Reddit / thejmanjman

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