Real Life Honeymoon Travel Disasters that Nearly Ended New Marriages

Rough Waters

YouTube / Cruise With Ben and David

My wedding was great, but the honeymoon was a DISASTER.

We went on a 7-day cruise of the Mexican Riviera. The day we left on the cruise, a HUGE hurricane hit. Most of the cruise ships didn’t stop at all the stops (Mazatlan, Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan) but our cruise captain decided to just re-route. The hurricane ended up cancelling the one excursion I was looking forward to the most, swimming with Sea Lions. I was pretty heartbroken, but that was the least of the problems.

At our stop in Mazatlan, we went horseback riding on the beach, then ate at a little place that came HIGHLY recommended by tons of people online. Well wouldn’t you know it, we got parasites. (Didn’t drink anything unless it came from a can… it came from shrimp!)

So I woke up the next morning in horrible pain (I’ve never ridden horses and didn’t realize it was so rough on the back!) and sick as I’ve ever been. Horrible fever, the worst diarrhea of my life, constantly felt like I was going to throw up. This lasted the remainder of the cruise and for a week and a half after. I was so sick I couldn’t eat a damn thing besides a little white rice so I missed out of the lobster dinner.

Since we were cruising THROUGH a hurricane, the ship was rocking so badly they had to leave barf bags out all over the ship. As if having parasites wasn’t bad enough, pile on the worst motion sickness of your life on top of that.

Try having a “romantic” time while not able to be away from the bathroom for more than 15 minutes at a time. Gawd it was horrible.

Story credit: Reddit / MrsMcD123

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