He Left Us With Nothing

Tonight when my husband got home from work, he told me devastating news. He informed me that he wants a divorce and will be leaving until it’s done. This is not a huge surprise honestly, as ever since our daughter was born we’ve just not been getting along.
What is a surprise is its suddenness. I’ve been a stay-at-home mom since our daughter was born two years ago, it just didn’t make sense to work and spend 90% of what I made on daycare. But worse was to come.
So in talking to him before he was finished packing, he told me, “Good luck with the mortgage and bills, I’ve taken MY money out of our bank account and turned off your card on MY credit.”
Again, I would say I was shocked, but I really am not. He’s very mean when he’s angry and never has seemed to connect with his daughter. He wanted a boy and from the day we got the word we were having a daughter he’s been distant.
I obviously need an attorney. I logged into our bank account, and sure enough, it’s at $5. I don’t see how he can just leave us with nothing all of the sudden, and not enough for me to defend myself. Story credit: Reddit / longsigling2020