Bad Dog Dad

A new neighbor bought a house across the street about six months ago. A few weeks back, I was working in the garage when I saw him take his dog directly across the street, into my front yard.
He let it pee in my yard and then walked straight home. He didn’t notice me—my garage is set up as a shop and is pretty busy, and the garage door is up a lot—but this piqued my interest because it’s weird.
Now, my wife and I have a dog so there are a few dog droppings from her that we pick up on a regular basis. My wife had been doing the dooty duty recently, so I asked her if there are more piles than normal. Sure enough, she said there had been a ton for a while now. She figured it was jerks walking their dogs and letting them poop on our lawn.
I figured it was our new weirdo neighbor. It happened again around a week later: I was in the garage as the neighbor took his dog into our lawn. This time the dog dropped a deuce and he started to walk away without picking it up. I called out to him, asking him if he needs a plastic bag to pick up after his dog, and he avoided eye contact and scurried back home.
I went across the street and knocked on his door. He didn’t answer. We then set up a security camera to discretely watch the front lawn and I kept an eye out for when he was next out in his yard so I could talk to him.
I reviewed the footage over the next few days and, sure enough, he was consistently taking his dog to do the deed in our yard. Why our yard? No clue, we’ve never had any interaction with this guy whatsoever.
The next time I saw him walking to his car, I confronted him. I simply told him that I knew he was taking his dog to poop in our yard and if I caught him doing it again I’d call the authorities to report him for trespassing. He denied doing it, claiming it must be other neighbors. Then he got in his car and drove away with me standing in his driveway.
So I review the footage from the last few days. The tapes made my jaw drop. Dude is not walking his dog into my yard anymore: he’s letting the dog poop in his yard…he then scoops it up, walks it across the street, and tosses it into my yard with a shovel. What the absolute heck is going on here. How do I even begin handling this? Story credit: Reddit / SoleInvictus