Drones Over the Yard

I’m not sure what to do. Earlier today, my neighbor came pounding on my door shouting at me. When I finally got him to stop yelling, I found out that he was flying his drone in my backyard again and this time my dog finally managed to catch it and destroy it.
He claims this was a $900 drone and I had to pay him right then and there. I refused and closed the door in his face. A couple of hours later, an officer showed up to retrieve the drone. It was still in my yard, but my dog completely ignored it once it stopped buzzing. The officer asked about the situation.
He said the neighbor called them, stating that I refused him access to my yard to get it. That’s not true, he never asked. I’m worried the neighbor will try to press charges against me for the destruction of property or sue me.
He has a history of flying his drone low over my yard to tease my dog. I have asked him to stop several times, which he always refuses, telling me that I don’t own the air above my yard. I have called the authorities to complain once before, as he was doing “fly bys” over my dog and getting very close to hitting him.
The authorities didn’t say he couldn’t fly it in my yard but did ask him to stop doing so in order to avoid conflict. That only seemed to egg him on. Story credit: Reddit / DeadDrone999