I Should Have Done This Years Ago

I’m 15, and my family is deeply religious. I respect that but sometimes, you know, I’m 15, and I have to, you know, rub one out. I try not to but like…I can’t concentrate on anything else if I don’t. And if I see a pretty girl, it’ll get worse. It basically feels like sleeping to me, if I don’t do it I can’t function. I don’t know if I’m normal or not. I’m definitely ashamed of it.
But I’m not lying I promise. However, my mom doesn’t believe me. My dad is out of the picture so I can’t talk to him and ask him if this is a guy thing. Anyway, my mom has tried a lot of things to get me to stop. She took my door off, for example. She grounded me and stuff. I try to hide it so she gives up, but now she’s come up with a horrific plan.
She decided to get some kind of device and put it on me so that I can’t touch myself. She seemed serious and it wouldn’t be out of character for her. She also does other weird things, like on Fridays we can’t eat at all because of Jesus. I try to respect that but often times I go out on a bike ride and get food somewhere. Because, well, I get hungry. But then this took a twist.
I told my math teacher about my mother—and she got arrested. I got my 13-year-old brother after school yesterday and we went to see my math teacher. I didn’t tell him all the details, but I told him my mother wanted to put a device on me to keep me from being intimate.
At first he wanted to call our mom but that actually made my brother cry in fear so he didn’t because I told him I’d run away and call the authorities if he did.
Still, he called a bunch of people, and about an hour later officers a bunch of other people showed up. Apparently they’d already been suspicious about our neighborhood. That’s when the lid on my family blew right off.
Turns out, my mother has been doing things like burning us for punishment that are completely verboten and I honestly never really knew. They also found a stash of substances she apparently does with our preacher.
My mother wasn’t home but all my other six siblings who are homeschooled were. Then they went down the street to where my mom and our preacher were and I don’t know what happened but they took her in, I think for drugs and other stuff, but not the preacher.
There were a bunch of people who talked to all of us and eventually they took us to a place where they said we’d stay for now. I should have done this years ago, I feel really bad because I could have had my siblings taken better care of.
I don’t really know what’s happening or going to happen, but the place I’m in now is way cleaner than I’m used to and we have clothes and stuff and food and we don’t have to watch toddlers anymore. They weren’t happy when they figured out stuff like the burns and that my 11- and 10-year-old sisters can’t read at all.
They also weren’t very happy with our house I could tell. I hope we don’t have to go back. Story credit: Reddit / KuKuSKeKa