Real Life Loopholes That Were Successfully Exploited

Wonder Why They Went Out of Business?


So I wanted to get cheap coffee filters online as I knew i was going to need them for the foreseeable future and wanted to get a better price on them. So I found a site that had them at half price ($1.95 for 100 filters, usually $3.99 at the store) what I was paying at the store and put them in my cart.

When I went to check out it asked me if I wanted to setup an automatic delivery to have them shipped every 2 weeks and they would reduce the price.

I said sure why not, after all they were the cheapest i had found and getting them every week would mean i didn’t have to keep ordering them. So it brought the price down by like to like $1 for 100 filters. I was thrilled. Then it asked me if i wanted to join the Coffee savers program for more discounts!

I said sure! So after joining the savers program it brought the price down to $0.00. I was stunned. I still had to add my credit card but I was never charged.

So for 2 years I got 100 filters delivered to my door for free. Never got charged NOT ONCE. One day though I got a notice that said they were going out of business and my free filters would end.

I was sad. But the stock pile I amassed them lasted me about 2 years and recently in the past 2 weeks I had to buy new filters. Life will never be the same.

Story credit: Reddit / maramok

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