Real Life Medical Emergencies Caught Just in Time

Soccer Surprise


When I was only a couple of years old, my parents were with me in the bleachers at my brother’s soccer game. My dad went off to go get drinks for everyone, and as soon as my mom was alone with me, the totally unexpected happened—everything turned black and I collapsed.

I immediately got up again, crying. A nurse, who happened to be in the bleachers with us, grabbed my mom and asked her if she knew that I had just had a seizure. My mom burst into tears.

That was the first time anyone other than my mom had witnessed one of my mysterious ‘episodes,’ and up until then, the doctors were unwilling to take my mom seriously.

That nurse ended up getting my dad, pulling my brother out of the soccer game, and going with all of us to a hospital so that she could be an ‘official witness’ to the fact that I’d truly had a diagnosable seizure.

I was formally diagnosed with epilepsy shortly afterward. That nurse wasn’t on duty and had no reason to do as much for us as she did, but we are all very grateful to her for having done so.

My life and long-term health would not have been the same without all the tremendously selfless help and support that she chose to give us. Story Credit: Reddit/LadySmuag

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