Real Life Medical Emergencies Caught Just in Time

A Close Call


I’m a medical student. The night before our first test in med school ever, we were at school studying. One of the guys was eating a sandwich and he started choking on it. He was choking pretty badly, too.

There were no sounds coming from his mouth, his eyes were red, and there was blood and vomit coming out of his mouth from sticking his finger down trying to get the food out. I knew I had to step up to the plate.

I did the Heimlich maneuver for like three minutes or so, while the other guys scrambled to get some help. Eventually, the food popped out and everything was okay.

The guy who was choking said some scary stuff afterward, like “Dude, what would I have done if I was alone?” I think it’s pretty safe to say he would have been a goner had that been the case… Story Credit: Reddit/chickawhatnow

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