Summer Fun

When I was younger and at camp, I saw this fellow camper who didn’t look well. He was slurring his speech and could barely stand up. I told him I would walk him wherever he was going so he wouldn’t have to go alone. Turns out that was a good move—a life-saving one.
Along the way, he passed out, broke his nose, and stopped breathing. I had just taken a CPR course, so I gave him rescue breathing and he was okay. He had severe dehydration and the whack on the head stopped him from breathing for a bit.
Epilogue: I was walking down the street a year later and this random kid I don’t know comes up to me. He said he can remember my yellow running shoes and asked if I, and the shoes I was wearing, ever went to that particular summer camp.
A few sentences later, I realized it was the dehydrated boy. He had just wanted to thank me for helping him out. Story Credit: Reddit/yeastybeast