Real Life Medical Emergencies Caught Just in Time

Lucky Break


About eight years ago, I was just walking along the street and going about my day when, all of a sudden, my body hit a freaking ten on the pain scale, completely out of nowhere. Somewhere in my lower abdomen, it felt like I was being stabbed with a hot knife. I couldn’t even stand up.

It lasted about three seconds, then everything went back to normal. I didn’t have any medical insurance, so I figured what the heck am I supposed to do? I told myself, “I guess I’ll go to the hospital if it keeps happening?”

It never happened again, but over the last few years since, I’ve had increasingly severe stomach problems on a regular basis. And here’s the worst part…I am contemplating getting a stoma if it continues getting worse at this rate.

I’ve been to the doctor recently, had all kinds of scans and tests done, and cameras shoved in uncomfortable places. They continuously say that all my tests look normal and they have no idea what’s wrong with me.

I always will wonder if I’d gone in right after that first experience if they might have had a better diagnosis and if I maybe could have steered clear of these problems altogether.

If I had somehow been lucky enough to have someone witness the incident, I wonder if they would have been able to tell me what was going on. Reminder: If you ever experience something that stands out as “the worst pain of your entire life,” go get that looked at as soon as possible.

If that had been my appendix bursting and I ignored it, I’d be a goner by now. Luckily it wasn’t, but constant pain and diarrhea aren’t very fun either. Story Credit: Reddit/the_river_nihil

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