Real Life Medical Emergencies Caught Just in Time

Painful Serve


I was playing volleyball in the sand and I went up for a block, but when I came down I rolled my ankle pretty badly. I didn’t hear a snap or anything, so I figured I’ll hop back to my house. The hopping and the dangle of my foot just made the pain worse, so about 20 feet later, I was crawling home.

Luckily, my aunt was driving by and saw this. She could tell that something was seriously wrong. She picked me up and drove me home. When I got home, I laid down and elevated my ankle on a chair, and then I felt my entire body go cold. My fingers were cold and my other foot was cold.

Then they just covered me with a blanket and I just laid there. I went to bed while trying not to move it because it was hurting badly. I took some pain pills and went to sleep. My brother had a boot for a similar injury he’d had at some point not too long before this incident.

I figured they would just do the same for me at the hospital, so I used his old boot and that was that. I probably should have gotten professional attention, because I couldn’t walk normally again until at least three months later. Story Credit: Reddit/zephyr141

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