Pregnancy Scare

I once diagnosed a friend’s ectopic pregnancy before she went to her new doctor (twice in three days) for OB visits. She was complaining of ectopic pregnancy symptoms.
I talked her into going to see my doc as a new patient and had to talk to the person making appointments to get her in ASAP after my friend was given an appointment for several weeks out.
Turns out it was ectopic, requiring surgery. I also later diagnosed the same friend’s second ectopic pregnancy (even easier the second time) and when she went for an ultrasound, there was indeed an ectopic pregnancy and one (her oldest child) in the right place.
She went from the really experienced ultrasound tech to a very young OBGYN who said that ultrasound techs sometimes “don’t know what they’re seeing.” This young doctor insisted that there couldn’t be an ectopic pregnancy and a normal pregnancy at the same time, because he “had never seen that.”
Well, he would end up eating those words. My friend had surgery again, survived it all, and though she has some residual post-surgical problems, she now has three healthy and beautiful daughters in her life. Story Credit: Reddit/cnokennedy2