Real Life Medical Emergencies Caught Just in Time

Take a Day Off


A co-worker of mine wasn’t feeling well one day at the office. She was the receptionist at the time, and I had come down to relieve her for her break. When I got into the room, I immediately saw that she was hunched over a bit and you could tell her skin was clammy.

She didn’t want to leave, though, because she still had the “If I take a sick day, they might fire me!” mentality. I called our manager for her and said that she was going to the doctor right away and that I would cover the desk for her for the rest of the day if need be.

I had to call her boyfriend to pick her up as well because she surely couldn’t drive in her condition. When the hospital reported back, we were shocked—she ended up being admitted for several days with some serious issues with her bowels.

I can’t remember the exact details of what it was, but the doctors told her that if she hadn’t come in to have it looked at that day, the condition likely would have cost her her life not too long after.

I couldn’t believe the amount of force I had to use on her to get her to go to the doctor when she was so clearly in such intense abdominal pain. Story Credit: Reddit/Vanetia

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