Football Star

I don’t know if this counts, but I once broke my wrist and thumb pretty badly while playing football in school. The nurse just gave me ice and sent me to class. It was my writing hand, so I couldn’t write anything, and my teacher thought I was lying until she saw my hand and how swollen it was.
She sent me back to the nurse and the nurse gave me another bag of ice while I waited for my mom to come and get me. She took me home and I asked her why she didn’t take me to the hospital. She said it was because we had people coming over for dinner and she wanted me to help her.
I told her I couldn’t do much because my hand hurt whenever I touched something. Her response made me livid: she told me to just suck it up and use my other hand to help.
When we ate dinner, I dropped my cup and broke it. And then our guests were all concerned and my mom acted like she didn’t know my situation. And then we finally all realized that something was seriously wrong, and went to the hospital to get it looked at properly.
I love my mom, but she can be truly evil sometimes. Story Credit: Reddit/MoUrBoat