Back on the Road

I am a nurse practitioner. I once saved the life of a man who was having a heart attack. He had been driving the car in front of me and was maneuvering very poorly, so I passed him to give the “what the heck is your problem” face.
But as I looked into his window, I saw immediately that something was very wrong with him. About that time, his car pulled off the road and stopped. I stopped and got out to see what was going on. I immediately called an ambulance.
I helped him out of the car and got him sitting down in the grass, talking, getting information, etc. And after a few minutes, he suddenly slumped over. No pulse. I laid him down and started CPR. Thankfully, the ambulance arrived a minute or two later.
It was truly a case of incredible luck for him. He ended up living and I’m fairly close with his family now. Story Credit: Reddit/RMEffinP