Real Life Medical Emergencies Caught Just in Time

Speed Racer


Back in 2007 or 2008, I was driving my 1999 Honda Accord with a V6 engine out of Abington, Massachusetts. I stopped at a red light next to some Indian dude in a Subaru. I looked at him, he looked at me, and (like something out of a movie) we both instinctively started revving our engines.

We raced from one light to the next and I won. The guy was impressed and actually psyched that my flimsy old car could beat his newer and better one. We both ended up going the same direction and got onto a ramp on the I-93 North and raced each other for miles.

The whole time, we were yelling at each other out the windows (all friendly) and giving thumbs-ups whenever we passed one another. It was one of the most exhilarating experiences I’ve ever had and the guy I was racing was super friendly and positive the whole time.

He was clearly stoked as heck that I was playing along with him. I somehow drove around 15 miles going between 100 to 130 miles per hour (I was checking) without causing an accident or getting noticed by the authorities.

By all normal expectations, I should have either lost my life or gotten thrown behind bars as a result of this behavior, but I eventually waved goodbye to him and took my off-ramp. It never dawned on me that I had just done something insane.

But then I told my friend about it, and his reaction was to suggest that I get to a mental hospital right away, since I clearly had not comprehended how reckless this behavior was.

That knocked some sense into me, and I still to this day do not know what caused me to behave like that on the roads. Sometimes, even to this day, I still get anxious just thinking about that incident, because I realize how totally messed up and dangerous that was.

But overall, I’m grateful that I had a chance to do something that crazy since I have no desire to ever replicate it. I got that crazy out of me. Story Credit: Reddit/furiouscottus

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