Foot Care

I had an ingrown toenail last July. It soon got infected. I got some antibiotics in September, which did nothing. I started salt bathing it, but that was only soothing. Finally, I went to a podiatrist at the start of this year and he gave me the cold, hard truth—it had to be amputated.
I started getting it clipped away a bit, but eventually, I had to have surgery on it in February, where they legit poured acid into my toe to burn away the roots. Apparently, as bad as that experience was, I was told that if I hadn’t come in to get it addressed, things would have gotten a lot worse for me.
During the seven or eight months that I had this thing, I just tried ignoring the pain every day. But that clearly wasn’t going to work in the long term. Also, my friend once accidentally put his whole body weight on it. Yeah… Story Credit: Reddit/TGC_Films