Always Be a Good Neighbor

This is how my neighbor saved my life and the life of my firstborn. She is a nurse. I was pregnant. We were at her house for dinner. Two days before, I’d had a healthy 28-week check-up. She looked at me, said I didn’t look right, took my blood pressure, and told me to see my doctor as soon as possible.
I was reluctant to do so because I had just had a healthy check-up, but I did so anyway. When my doctor read my test results, her face went white. I was sent straight to the hospital with severe preeclampsia. My blood pressure was up to 220/180.
The nurses checked it with three different machines and manually as well because they were so astonished. We had to have an emergency C-section to rescue my son, whose vitals were dropping. I was in the hospital for two weeks recovering. My son was in for two months.
We are both healthy today. We could have both not made it through the night without that neighbor’s intervention. All thanks to the fact that the neighbor nurse said I looked pale and tired, and just “not right.” Story Credit: Reddit/mama4our