Real Life Moments When Co-Workers Acted Like Total Karens

An Easy Way to Get Fired


I worked at a huge, well-known international company. There was this young, straight-out-of-college guy who we had just hired—as in, his first day had been the same week. He had moved from Eastern Europe to our corporate location.

Cue company ski trip, with lots of free booze—some of his new colleagues who he thought were his “friends” told him that this woman was checking him out. He started hitting on her, and mind you, he was already tipsy at that point. She told him to knock it off and that she wasn’t interested.

He kept being pushy. This large, scary dude beside the woman also told him to knock it off. He swung at the large, scary dude, and promptly found himself face first in the snow. The woman in question? Head of global HR. The large, scary dude? Head of global corporate security. The young schmuck? Fired.


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