Real Life Moments When Co-Workers Acted Like Total Karens

A Dangerous Route


One night, I was doing nighttime delivery of bread all around Melbourne, to both stores and markets. I took my usual shortcut through the back of Brighton which involved going up a driveway and then turning through a grass park that led into the next main street.

As I was driving towards the end of the road, I saw heaps of blue and red flashing lights. I assumed it was a booze bus, but it was 3 am on a Tuesday morning, which was kind of unusual. As I got closer, I was confronted by a ton of officers pointing their weapons in my direction.

I came to a stop and held my hands up out of just instinct. I approached one officer who told me to pull over on the left and not move until I was told to. When they finally told me what all the fuss was about, my face turned white. 

Turns out, I subverted a complete lockdown of the street during an active shooter incident. I straight-up told them that I had simply cut through the park to make my deliveries. At that very moment, I heard a huge bang back down the road from where I came from.

I was told to get the heck out of there immediately. I found out when I got home at 6 am that I had driven right through a terrorist attack. The suspect managed to end a homeowner’s life during his rampage.


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