Real Life Moments When Co-Workers Acted Like Total Karens

It All Crashed Down Around Her


One of my co-workers is known to be a general screw-up, but she would make up for this flaw by being nice and participating in every social committee. Well, she recently changed departments due to being promoted. How did this even happen?

Her manager would cover up her bad work for reasons that seemed to make no sense to me. Predictably then, her new manager soon noticed she couldn’t actually do her job and wanted to send her back.

Our department quickly blocked this request—no one wanted this woman! So her manager actually quit for another job. Seriously. Soon after, a new manager came in from another department. He apparently got the job by saving the company a lot of money cutting useless stuff in his older department.

He doesn’t care about typical work hours—he says you can set your own schedule just as long as things work. If it doesn’t work, he will require an explanation about why it doesn’t so he can help fix it.

There was also a rumor that he is autistic or something because he’s really unflappable and believes people when they tell him about things, almost to a fault. So this new manager tried his magic on this woman, but she just wasn’t doing any work, and any work she was doing was terrible and full of errors.

At some point, he asked her what was going on. She said she didn’t have time in her day to do the work as there was too much and she never had any training.

In response, he had her pulled from three social committees, hooked her up with a hired temp for four weeks, got them both training, and even took the training himself too. How did this screw-up of a woman thank him? She complained to HR. HR wrote him up for promoting a “toxic work environment.”

To defend himself, the manager showed them the email where she was basically working on social committees for five hours a week and she was behind in her work.

So he hired a temp, got everyone trained, and the temp who had less education than him and this lady was doing better than his actual staff. HR then started ducking her calls. They didn’t want to tell her she was a screw-up because they were biased towards her and liked her.

So, despite the manager kept things really well documented and having proof that she couldn’t do her job they just urged everyone to forget about the whole thing.

But the woman was not having any of that. She started hanging out on coffee breaks with the HR Vice President and her previous department head, going on about how she was a nervous wreck, how she hadn’t received any training, and more.

Keep in mind that both these management types know for a fact that she has had training. They started to get really sick of her complaining all the time. And that’s when HR flipped out.

They got her pamphlets on the benefits package outlining the help and psychiatric line, and they stopped hanging out with her. She tried applying for a job in her old department, but they still didn’t want her. She was telling everyone her situation and how unfair it was.

Little did she know she was digging her own grave. There was an anonymous employee survey. Everyone in her department stated they were pretty happy—except her. She thought it would be clever to say that the management team in her department was doing horrible things.

And everyone in the department knew who was telling the lies because the screw-up woman told everyone, like an idiot. Things got ugly after that, and she got escorted right out of the building. All of this happened because she didn’t want to do her work.

She thought she could get away with it because HR was her best friend…the moment they weren’t anymore, it all crashed down around her ears. It was bonkers. That woman was probably the stupidest person I’ve ever met.


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