Real Life Moments When Co-Workers Acted Like Total Karens

She Wouldn’t Take No For An Answer


I worked for a company for four years. About three years in, they hired a new head of HR who was a total witch. She would hardly speak to anyone who wasn’t on the management team and treated everyone else in the company with contempt.

A colleague of mine (who is now my boss) gave his notice because he was offered a better salary at a competitor company. On his last day, the HR lady basically tried to force him to sign a contract saying that he was giving up his right to sue the company for any outstanding pay or bonus.

Of course, he didn’t sign, but the HR lady wouldn’t take NO for an answer and kept hounding him. I gave my notice a few months later, and she tried the same stuff with me.

Having been warned by my buddy, I did the same thing—I returned all the company property (laptop, office keys, etc.) and had them sign the receipt that they received everything, but I refused to sign the agreement that I gave up the right to take them to court if they tried to screw me.

The company we work for today is very different. First off, my buddy is a C-level executive there, and I report straight to him, so we’re both very high up in the corporate organization.

The HR people are excellent in this company—helpful, friendly, and most importantly, competent. Good riddance to that ridiculous, power-tripping woman.


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