Real Life Moments When Co-Workers Acted Like Total Karens

Fool Me Once, Shame on You


I was a shift lead at a gas station. I had a customer tell me that one of my guys, who was like 80 years old, told him to “screw off” after the customer rolled his eyes at the price of an item.

I talked to my guy because I was sure that, at the very least, the circumstances were different than the customer had claimed. Nope. It happened just like the customer said.

My guy apparently didn’t realize his speaker was still turned on and said his spiel as soon as the customer’s back was turned. The guy turned around and that started an even bigger verbal fight.

I was mulling over what to do about it, but the very next morning, the employee showed up to work wasted, yelling about a bonus check that we owed him. That’s when he got fired.


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