Real Life Moments When Co-Workers Acted Like Total Karens

Company Restructuring


I worked in a warehouse that regularly concealed the shipping of dangerous goods to save money. This went on for years. As time went on, I bubbled up through the ranks and was eventually made manager of the warehouse.

I then outright refused to ship anything anywhere until we started to claim our dangerous goods shipments properly. Their solution? The boss started to sign his name instead. This went on for a few weeks until HR found out.

They obviously knew how much trouble the president could have gotten into, so they wanted somebody else to take the fall. The next time a shipment had to go out, they got the newest guy in the warehouse to start signing his name instead.

They claimed they were training him how to do paperwork, but the poor kid had no idea…So when the driver showed up to pick up his shipment, I told him that there were a bunch of dangerous substances concealed in the shipment. He refused it and left.

I got told later that my actions were “damaging to the company image” and it had to stop. I told HR exactly what was going on and how I would not be a part of it. Less than a week after that, I was removed from my position due to “company restructuring.”

Some of the most crooked stuff I’ve ever seen. My rough estimates ballpark the money they saved at about $250,000/year. Scum…the whole family.


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