Real Life Moments When Co-Workers Acted Like Total Karens

We Don’t Get Paid Enough For This


I am on an HR team that supports a wide variety of US cities for our company, including our colorful Florida locations. This is the best story I heard. We had a woman try to avoid doing work by sitting out in her car in the parking lot. While she was hiding out there, she needed to use the restroom.

Well, instead of going back inside (or doing literally anything else) she decided to pee out her car window. I, also a woman, was both impressed and disgusted by the physics behind this feat. She had stuck her bare butt outside the window and just went for it.

Unbeknownst to her, though, her male co-worker had arrived at work late due to an appointment. He drove past to find a parking spot as this was happening and got the full view.

He then reported the incident to us. One of our HR people had to investigate this, and sure enough, the parking lot cameras could corroborate his story. Our HR person confronted the woman. Her response?

“Well, how did he know it was me?? It could have been anyone.” We thought, OK, fair enough. The cameras aren’t state-of-the-art, so we only saw the butt part.

It was harder to completely identify the face. So we went back to the male peer and asked how he knew it was her. His response? “Oh, it was definitely her. The face tattoos are pretty recognizable.” We definitely don’t get paid enough for this.


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