Real Life Moments When Co-Workers Acted Like Total Karens

Let Him Have His Fun


At one place I used to work, one of the upper management guys who was in charge of the warehouse would hop on the forklifts and do donuts. He also had colon cancer and was always having surgeries to remove another section of his colon, so he had a colostomy bag.

He would like to squeeze the air out of his colostomy bag while he was doing donuts on the forklifts. This would waft this god-awful stench everywhere. Everyone thought it was hilarious and would immediately run outside for a break until the scent dissipated.

The smell was bad enough it made a co-worker puke. When a new guy went to report it to HR one day, they kind of just looked at him and blinked. The man has cancer! Let him stink it up.


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