Real Life Moments When Co-Workers Acted Like Total Karens

The Secrets of HR


I’ve been an executive at several large companies and I know just how messed up it can get inside the halls of HR. It could be one of the best roles and companies ever—

Like, let’s create the greatest culture and attract the best people to make this a fun, rewarding, challenging place to be with loads of development opportunities, support, coaching, and all the trimmings.

Let’s recognize that a company is really its people and create fertile soil for them to grow. When they feel fulfilled, we’ll be the greatest evangelists for the company. The reality, however, is a nightmare. 

HR is actually like: No, screw you, we’re here for the sole purpose of making sure you don’t sue the company and that when we want you to leave, we’ve got enough data and leverage to make sure you go without a fuss.


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