Real Life Moments When Co-Workers Acted Like Total Karens

Blabber Mouth


My ex’s mom was in HR. She was pretty darn crabby about it and loved nothing more than coming home and telling us all the drama and gossip. That’s how I found out the married physician who I worked with at the time was schtupping the married doctor in the next office over.

That woman could NOT keep her mouth shut. It was hilarious for me at the time, but looking back, that trait was obviously not the best thing for an HR person to have.

As for my own experience, I reported my boss to HR for mistreatment. HR said they’d talk to me again before going to him. Well, he fired me two days later, with HR at his side. He was friends with all of the higher-ups, so I wasn’t exactly surprised.

They escorted me out before I could collect what I needed from my computer for proof. Yeah, I was young and dumb, and I have since learned: have backups!


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