Real Life Moments When Co-Workers Acted Like Total Karens

Clean Up in the Dressing Room

Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain

In the ’90s, I worked at a JC Penney Catalog Outlet. The catalog sold wedding dresses, so the ones that didn’t sell would be sent to the outlet. Typically, the fitting rooms were staffed by women, as you could only go into the fitting room of the opposite gender when it was empty.

Since men tried on fewer clothes than women, it made pretty sense to have female staff there. Please remember this was the ’90s, so people were not aware of gender identity and LGBTQ issues.

A gentleman came in, informed the staff that he and his partner were having a ceremony, and that he wanted to wear a wedding dress. He reported to the staff that he identified as a female and he asked to use the women’s dressing room.

Due to the time period, and store regulations we were unable to comply. We did offer him the male fitting rooms though. The customer took the six dresses to try on in the men’s fitting rooms and we were unable to check on him. After three hours, we called security.

They checked in on him and he said he was almost done. When he finally came out, comes out, he said none of the dresses was his type. He left them in the dressing room for a staff member to collect. When she went inside, she was absolutely mortified. Every. Single. One. Was. Soiled.


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