Real Life Moments When Co-Workers Acted Like Total Karens

Perfect Timing


Amanda. She smelled SO bad and knew it—because she’d make excuses. “I forgot to shower.” “I showered, but my washing machine is broken so I have to wear dirty clothes.” There was documented disciplinary action about her hygiene. One day, she legit smelled like old maxi pads & got sent home.

The same girl always “forgot to eat breakfast,” so she took extra breaks to gob McDonald’s and Uncrustables. Also, she couldn’t (wouldn’t) vacuum the store at closing because she “heard screams coming from the vacuum” and thought it was ghosts. I documented EVERYTHING.

Verbals, written warnings, she always stopped whatever stuff was afoot at the second write-up (third was termination). I finally got the green light from HR to let her go.

The very day she was getting fired, our owner decided to shut the store down and gave everyone (including freaking Amanda) severance and unemployment. Not fair.


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