Real Life Moments When Co-Workers Acted Like Total Karens

Her Worst Habit


When I was 17 years old, I worked at our local Chipotle. My manager was cool sometimes, but when things got busy—and, keep in mind, Chipotle is almost always busy—she would sweat a ton.

I didn’t have a problem with that, because I knew it was obviously not something that she could control. It was one particular habit of hers that was the issue…

Whenever she would sweat, she smelled really bad…and her idea of encouraging people would be to go up to them, give them a big hug, and say, “Here, have some of my sweat!”

Now, Chipotle is a very open restaurant, as in you can see almost every employee while getting your food. This means that customers could see her doing this.

I saw customers leave on multiple occasions as a result.


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