Real Life Moments When Co-Workers Acted Like Total Karens

Fire Him or I Quit!


I worked as a barista for a while, and I had this one customer who came in a few times a week. He was awkward, not in a cute way, but I didn’t think much of it. He’d try to start a conversation and I’d be polite but I wouldn’t necessarily encourage him.

He mentioned where he lived, and I noted that my chain had a coffee shop in his town, but he drove a couple of towns over to mine, which I thought was odd. One day I’m at work and he orders a coffee. As I’m making it, he starts talking about how cool and pretty I am and asks if we could go out sometime.

I was pretty annoyed and I politely declined, saying I had a boyfriend—which I did at the time—and he said “He’s lucky, I wish I had a girl like you,” which creeped me out.

That was on a Friday. I come in for my shift on Monday and my blood runs cold. He’s behind the counter in a uniform. Excitedly tells me he got a job here. I didn’t really know what to do.

Not only did he continue to hit on me and constantly try to get my social media from me, but he was also absolutely incompetent, and a health hazard.

He came in with a disgusting rash on his arm once and he would scratch it and then handle people’s food. I told the manager if she didn’t fire him I’d quit—I was the longest working employee there by far, so I figured she’d fire him. She didn’t, so I left.


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