Real Life Moments When Co-Workers Acted Like Total Karens

Stage Fright


I used to be a stagehand. In the theatre, the lights and scenery are set up by lowering a bar on a pulley system to the floor. Panels are hung on the bar while people on a catwalk in the rafters load metal bricks on a counterweight.

One night, we were preparing for a show and the bar came down, but it was brought down too low to hang the lights. We told the operator and he pulled the break off. It seemed fine until we realized that the counterweight had already been loaded.

When he cut the break off, it was too late—the bar went flying. The stage manager grabbed the rope, trying to slow the fall. Big mistake. The rope quickly ripped through his glove and took off the top few layers of his skin.

A guy on the loading bridge did the same thing and got his hand sucked into the pulley. He lost a few fingers.


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