Real Life Moments When Co-Workers Acted Like Total Karens

Too Many Excuses


You want to know the story of my worst boss? All I can say is…Jerry. Jerry wouldn’t let me leave work to go to the emergency room after the heavy bleeding I had been experiencing suddenly got way worse. I went over his head and got permission to go from the higher-ups.

I then called my mom and told her to meet me at the ER. The ER nurse said he had never seen so much blood in his entire career. An ER nurse said this. It was then determined that I would need a couple of blood transfusions and would then be admitted to the hospital.

My mom calls Jerry to inform him of all this. Jerry then proceeds to tell her that it’s probably just stress and that I NEED TO GET BACK TO WORK RIGHT AWAY.

At this point, I couldn’t even lift my own head up, but sure, I can take a bus across town and go back to work. I ended up needing another hospital stay later for a follow-up operation. They found a large growth on me that needed a biopsy.

Jerry kept insisting that it couldn’t be cancer because, if it was, I “would be tired and losing weight.” What he hadn’t been aware of was that I had lost about eight pounds in under a week, and had been going to bed the minute I got home every day.

I was still recovering from the procedure when Jerry called to let me know that I was being fired for taking too much time off. Five days later, I was diagnosed with cancer.

To hell with you, Jerry. Screw you.


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