Real Life Moments When Co-Workers Acted Like Total Karens

A Bad Fit


I ran an in-house training course, and an apprentice from another department was sent along to see if she’d be a good fit for the job. It was a small room lined with computers along three walls, with me and a projector at the front.

We had lots of practical examples to work on throughout the day, so each person sat at a computer for the duration. We all agreed on a 30-minute lunch break, but she demanded a longer lunch as she had “things to do.” I declined her 1.5-hour lunch break, and she took it anyway.

She then used her computer to apply for another job during the practical part of the course. She had chosen a computer at the back, so I couldn’t see what was on her screen from my position at the front—or, at least, she thought.

I paused to get everyone’s attention but she was so engrossed in what she was doing that she didn’t notice. I let the silence hang, which usually works to get people looking up sheepishly, but she still didn’t notice.

Everyone in the course was now looking at her screen and we could all see she was applying for another job. We got through the course and I reported her to her manager, who fired her.

She left the company a negative Facebook review naming me as someone who harassed her because of her mental health.


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