Real Life Moments When Co-Workers Acted Like Total Karens

Who’s the Culprit?


I only know of this because it involved myself. I was a new hire at a security company, and I’d only been there about four months, give or take. One week, I was given a new assignment with a couple of other guys on rotation.

Someone who got hired a week or so before I did gave me the obligatory tour of the site and pointed out some hot spots. They showed me some key equipment that needed an eye on them, etc. Less than a week of shifts go by, and the same guy offered me a bump. I declined.

Then, just over a month later, I had a perfectly fine shift with no issues. About an hour before my next shift started, my boss called me up, furious at me. Obviously confused, I got to the place early.

Well, the place had been turned over. The equipment is gone, the fence is busted wide open, the works. One of the on-site trailers has been broken into where just over a grand was taken from a safe I knew nothing about because it was always locked. Still, I was blamed as the culprit.

It took less than five minutes of conversation with the boss to get it ironed out. See, not only had stuff gone missing from this place, but other stuff had gone missing from other sites the other guy had been to before.

For example, one of the things that were taken was towable, and they found it in the guy’s driveway. He might as well have dipped his hands in red paint. Needless to say, he didn’t work for that company after that.


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